Sunday, September 20, 2015

Healthy Snack

To conclude our unit of inquiry, we had our shared 'healthy snack morning' on Friday. Children had planned and prepared their snack and confidently explained to the class why it was a healthy choice. Even the 'not so healthy' snacks, were presented by the children as 'occasional' foods. They explained how you need to be eaten in moderation along with a balanced diet.

Then we got a chance to tuck in!

The classroom still smells like sweetcorn!

Children throughout this unit have been 'taking action' to lead to healthier life choices. During Friday's team time, children shared some of the small steps they have taken. These included:
  • Going to bed earlier to ensure they have enough sleep and are well rested for the following day.
  • Choosing a more 'colourful' plate at the cafeteria each lunchtime.
  • Trying to drink more water, in order for feel less sluggish and improve concentration.
  • Washing their hands more regularly (and more thoroughly). 
  • Practicing ways to calm down when they are upset or frustrated (listening to the Mind Master - Not the head Hassler).

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