
Student Led Conference

We shared our learning with our families on Friday.


At lunch and recess I play everywhere. We play 'girls torture boys'.

I play with a lot of different people; Lucas, Cathal, Visal, Rachel, Matias, Jayden, Gaga, Charlie,
Samir and Rick.
A person I like spending time with from this class is Lucas because he always nice also never harm me .
I usually spend time running at lunch time because I'm getting chased from the girls.

G2 Music, Unit 3: Composing a song to tell the audience about an idea, feeling or story

Student explored the elements of music, such as tempo, pitch, dynamics and duration, to create a piece of music that would allow the audience to have an idea, feeling or story.  They started to work on this individually and later some students chose to work collaboratively.  Here is their final composition.

G2 Art-Unit 2- Nature and Architecture
We observed shapes in architecture and shapes in nature.  We investigated the functions (purposes) of nature and architecture.  We used our imaginations and feedback from friends or family to draw and build architecture inspired by nature.  Here is my artwork:

G2 Art- Unit 3- Finding and Making Meaning in Abstract Art
We found shapes, colors and lines in abstract artworks.  We discussed our experiences and emotions connected to the colors, lines and shapes.  We used this to guess the meaning of abstract artworks.  We sorted abstract artworks to explore how some are “a little abstract, very abstract or not abstract”.  We also made abstract artworks about ourselves for others to interpret.

Rube Goldberg Machine

Question Prompts for Parents:

Who was Rube Goldberg and what is a Rube Goldberg Machine?
What was the objective or goal of your machine?
Was it successful? Why or why not?
Can you explain the simple machines you used to make it?

'Don't Crack The Egg Challenge'
In writing we are learning to write a procedure. In this example we completed a task related to our unit of inquiry (How the World Works - Simple Machines). We then wrote a procedure demonstrating what we did.
Title: Don’t break the egg by Oliver

Introduction: My goal is not to break the egg from an incline plane to the floor.

  • 16 paper towels
  • 6 papers
  • Duck tape
  • Cellotape
  • 1 long meter ruler
  • 1 chair
  • Flat surface
  1. Place the ruler carefully on the chair.
  2. Stick 5 paper towels with duck tape at the end of the ruler.
  3. Duck tape paper all other paper towels.
  4. Tape the paper on the ruler.
  5. Tape the end of the ruler and on the floor with the paper towels.
  6. If it doesn’t work tape more paper .
  7. Now time go back to folding the paper so you must fold it in half.
  8. Tape it on the ruler.
  9. Make it stick together like a tunnel.
  10. Make a wall at the end of the ruler.
  11. Test if it works does the real thing.
Inclined planes must have friction to slow the things down.

Playground Reflection

Unit: How the World Works - Simple Machines

Here is my drawing of the playground. I made a green screen and explained in my own words about the simple machines I saw.

Teacher Comment: I know it was hard for you understanding which way to point with the mirror image on the screen, but you did a great job and did not give up. You mentioned the following simple machines in your presentation; inclined plane, lever, pulley, and screw. The next step would be to explain how these were used and what function they served. Considering this is the start of the unit, this is a great effort!

Clues From The Past - Summative Assessment

Buddha and Naga - By Oliver

The buddha is sitting on the coils of a snake or Naga named Mucilinda. He is sitting in a meditating position. A naga is a seven headed snake god from Buddhism and Hinduism. I did not get a photo of the statue in the museum, but this photo is from the Angkor period and is the same. The statue is a primary source of information because it was made in the past. He is carved from stone. 

I think these were made to tell the history and stories of the religion. The story is that the Naga came from underground to shelter the buddha. That means the buddha is very powerful and important. The Naga came to shelter the Buddha from the wind and rain together causing a powerful ball of light. 

How this Helps me understand Cambodia
This tells me about how special buddha is to Cambodian people. Buddhism is an important religion in Cambodia. I know this because everybody prays to the dead ghosts a Pchum Ben, I see Monks everywhere in Cambodia, and wats and temples. There are many Buddhist statues. These are still being carved today.


Music - My Song

Here is the link to the music blog where you will find a recording of me singing the song I created in music.

How We Express Ourselves
Artist Statement - Oliver


“My art was pixel art on minecraft. I have called my art Banana Thief, because the Minion stole a banana. I made it by using coloured blocks in minecraft standing up. I used some glass blocks to make his glasses. I was inspired by a pixel artist who makes Minion pictures and Spongebob ones. His name is Patrick Stanley. I feel happy about my work because it looks like my plan and minions make me happy. The big idea was to make something in Minecraft I had never done before."

Scooby Doo Where Are You?

"I chose this book because it is funny. It has been my favourite book since my fourth birthday. I liked reading it to the class and felt happy to share it. I think the author wrote it to entertain people. It is a comic book so the pictures are very important. You can tell what the book is about just by looking at the pictures. The artist is good at making them look funny."
By Oliver

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