
Unit 4: Creating movement to a piece of music

Students used their knowledge of the elements of music from their last unit and applied them to movement.  They chose a song and style of dance that they liked and tried to show a variety of movements that fit the music.

My favourite place in the playground is near the big tree because my friends and I play dodge ball.
A person I like spending time with from this class is Oliver because he is my best friend.
The most fun time I've ever had at recess was playing foursquare and dodge ball.

Usually at lunch time me Matias, Gaga, and Oliver and Cathal play some tag games and we try to catch the girls. When we catch the girls we try to put them in the big tree house.The area we like to play in most is the gym and field. When we are hot we go in the gym and when we are cold we go on the field. Sometimes I join in with bigger kids games like this week when I played dodgeball.

G2 Music, Unit 3: Composing a song to tell the audience about an idea, feeling or story

Student explored the elements of music, such as tempo, pitch, dynamics and duration, to create a piece of music that would allow the audience to have an idea, feeling or story.  They started to work on this individually and later some students chose to work collaboratively.  Here is their final composition.

G2 Art-Unit 2- Nature and Architecture
We observed shapes in architecture and shapes in nature.  We investigated the functions (purposes) of nature and architecture.  We used our imaginations and feedback from friends or family to draw and build architecture inspired by nature.  Here is my artwork:

G2 Art- Unit 3- Finding and Making Meaning in Abstract Art
We found shapes, colors and lines in abstract artworks.  We discussed our experiences and emotions connected to the colors, lines and shapes.  We used this to guess the meaning of abstract artworks.  We sorted abstract artworks to explore how some are “a little abstract, very abstract or not abstract”.  We also made abstract artworks about ourselves for others to interpret.

Rube Goldberg Machine

Question Prompts for Parents:

Who was Rube Goldberg and what is a Rube Goldberg Machine?
What was the objective or goal of your machine?
Was it successful? Why or why not?

Can you explain the simple machines you used to make it?

'Don't Crack The Egg Challenge'

Title: Egg Incline
In writing we are learning to write a procedure. In this example we completed a task related to our unit of inquiry (How the World Works - Simple Machines). We then wrote a procedure demonstrating what we did.
Task: My goal is to get egg from the top of a chair and try to get it down without breaking.

  • 5A3 papers
  • 10 paper towels
  • Boiled egg
  • Meter ruler tape

First make a tunnel from paper and then stick it on the ruler.

Next make a wall from paper at the end of the ruler and put paper towels on the floor at the end of the ruler too.

After that attach the ruler on the chair.

I learned that paper towels can make friction.

Playground Reflection

Unit: How the World Works - Simple Machines

Here is my drawing of the playground. I made a green screen and explained in my own words about the simple machines I saw.

Rube Goldberg Machine

Teacher Comment: You did well with your greenscreen, learning to point to the mirror image on screen. Well done! You identified the following simple machines correctly; inclined plane, lever, and pulley. It was great that you started to explain how these were used and what force was needed to make them work. A great start to your knowledge in this unit Lucas!

Summative Assessment - Clues from The Past

Shiva - By Lucas

This is a statue made from carved stone. It was about a metre big. It was standing on a platform. It was a statue of the Hindu god called Shiva. His hair is up in a bun called a chignon and on it you can see a crescent shape. That represents the moon.

I think the statue would have been made to make people remember the god that a lot of people believe in and don’t want to be forgotten. It may have been for a temple or place where people pray. Someone important like a King would have had this made. Shiva  is a powerful god and is known as the destroyer of the World. He has a third eye on his head and people think if it opens he will destroy the World.

How This Helps Me Understand Cambodia

I used to be a bit scared of this statue because Mum told me the story, but now that I understand it better I feel better. I now understand that there are stories like this in every religion. Cambodia has many religions. I used to think Cambodia was Buddism but now I see that one of the first religions here was Hinduism. Indian culture was important here. I found out I found out that Angkor Wat was a Hindu temple. This helps me understand Cambodia because it helps me know that there are lots of  different religions in Cambodia.


Music - My Song
Here is the link to the music blog where you will find a recording of me singing the song I created in music.

How We Express ourselves
Artist Statement - Lucas


“I made pop art. A shirt I was wearing inspired me so I looked at examples on the internet. I liked James Rizzi’s work because it was colourful. I like the superhero Flash so I did him. I used watercolour pencils and black sharpie. I made outlines of the pictures I had printed and used bright colours. The title for my work is Super Pop Techno.”

My Favourite Book - The Monster Under The Shed
" I chose this book because I think it is funny. For how you express yourself, I think people should laugh even if you do something silly. The book makes you laugh because when Thomas thinks it's a monster, it is only a hedgehog. The artist did a good job making the hedgehog look scary at the start of the book."
By Lucas

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