Thursday, May 19, 2016

Moo Moo Farms

Our visit to Moo Moo farms was fantastic. To find out more about the farm click here

Today we went to Moo Moo Farms in Phnom Penh. We went by bus. It was really smelly...(the farm, not the bus!) Hana

The farm is owned by Kenneth Matthews and Matthew Boyd. They are from America. Mimi

The cows in this picture are eating. They are fed corn, hay, grass and grains. Sorriaj and Ngy Meng
The animals in this picture are only calves. They are big enough now to eat hay but they still get their mothers milk. Wadia.

 The cows would not have any milk if they did not have babies, so that is why the farmers let them have calves. Boramey.

This man is Kenny Matthews, he is holding a milking machine. They use suction cups to get the milk from the cows udder. Sophia H

 I learned that the cows are milked every day. Lucas.
I found out that milking the cows does not hurt them. When their udders are full of milk it hurts, so they like being milked. Yewon

As we were watching the cows, I noticed something really creepy! When the cows looks straight ahead their eyeballs are not in the middle. Sophia M
It was funny how the cows kept licking their noses. Nith
One of the cows licked Ms Karyns bag. Hana

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