
Homework Due 27th May

Please have a hunt at home for all school reading and library books. We are missing 27 readers from our group boxes! All books are due back by this Friday.
'Scratch' homework:

Username    mskarynispp

Password     isppcoder

On Saturday 14th May it was Scratch Day.

Scratch Day is a global network of events that celebrates Scratch — and the young people who code and create with it. During Scratch Day, children and adults gather to share projects and learn from one another.
Then go to Scratch and play at least two games made by other people
Refine the game you have been making in IT classes.
Check out Studio code and try some more coding
Remix a Scratch game or
Create your own game (what about a maze or use your creativity to create something else).


Remember to read every day.

Before Monday 9th May – please bring in one of the following:

A processed and packaged food product
A processed and packaged food product container
A photograph of a processed and packaged food product
E.g. a bag of pasta, a tin of beans.

You will use this for a research inquiry next week.

Where does my food come from?
Homework April 25th - April 29th
Your child has been given an activity sheet to complete by this Friday. (There is a copy below). Sometimes food is imported from other countries. Have a look in your kitchen at home and talk with adults to find out where your food comes from. List any items you find that have come from other regions.
Make sure you read every day.

Country Produced
Jazz apples
New Zealand

Do you think it is good to buy locally produced food. Why or why not?

Monday April 18th to Friday April 22nd

Welcome back to the final semester! This week the homework is very simple. Please find it outlined below. you do not need your homework book for these tasks.

READING: Read every night to someone. This can be a book from the library, your book box, or from home. Try to read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk to someone about the story you are reading.
Sun Safety: Today every child in Elementary received their new ISPP hat. These have their name embroidered on them. Children must wear them whenever they are outdoors at school. They will remain at school unless they need to be washed. This sparked conversation today about sun safety. On the home page of our blog are some questions about sun safety. Choose a question that interests you and answer it in detail as a comment. If you choose to investigate further, feel free to present your ideas and we will display them in the classroom.

Homework - Simple Machines
March 7th to April 8th
This is an outline of homework for this unit. Children are encouraged to continue reading and using mathletics. We have also been working on multiplication in class so skip counting and basic tables (starting with 2x, 5x, 10x) could also be reinforced at home. Homework should not take up longer than 15 -20 minutes a night.

During the next six weeks, we will be exploring ‘How the World Works,’ by looking at simple machines. Homework will relate to this. A hard copy of this homework is in their homework book.

Task One Due: Monday 7th March
  1. For this week’s homework we would like you to collect items from home that will assist you with in class experiments and making your own Rube Goldberg machines. We will need a wide range of materials like; boxes, tubes, straws, paper cups, string, springs, wedges, broken toys, wheels, containers, marbles etc. You may like to look at this video for ideas; Click here or google the youtube clip ‘Audri's Rube Goldberg Monster Trap’

  1. Play this learning game and make a comment on your class blog or in your homework book about what you have learned. Link to Game

Homework Tasks 2-6
These activities will reinforce your understanding of important unit vocabulary and give you a chance to improve your presentation skills. Each week you will have a different ‘Word of the Week’ to explore. You will complete set tasks on a different word each week using the format below.
This website will help: Word Central Dictionary

  1. HEADING Write the word neatly and creatively as a heading.
  2. DEFINITION Explain what the word means (use a dictionary to help you).
  3. SYLLABLES Write how many beats the word has.
  4. WORD CLASS Is the word a noun (naming word), verb (action word), or adjective (describing word).
  5. SYNONYMS Write words with a similar meaning (use a thesaurus to help)
  6. SENTENCE Use the word in a sentence that shows you understand it’s meaning.
  7. PICTURE Show the meaning of the word in a picture to go with your sentence.

We are looking for outstanding presentation - Be creative!

Word of the Week due: Monday 14th March ‘Incline’

Word of the Week due: Monday 21st March ‘Wedge’

Word of the Week due: Monday 28th March ‘Friction’

Word of the Week due: Monday 4th April ‘Force’

Word of the Week due: Friday 8th April ‘Motion’

Personal Timeline! Due:Tuesday 23rd February

We would like you to create a timeline from the year you were born until 2016. On the timeline you will need to include at least 5 important events that have happened in your life. Please include evidence of these events. Evidence can include photos, copies of certificates, boarding passes, artifacts, drawings etc. 

Family History Artifact - Due Monday 25th January
Please help your child choose an artifact (man made object) from your family.
This can be anything from a treasured teddy bear that you kept as a child to your grandmother’s photograph but something that has been with you or your child for a long time.
If this item is very precious and valuable, and family artifacts usually are, please just take a photo of it rather than bringing in the actual piece. If you really want to bring in the actual item, we will do our best to keep it safe.
Along with the artifact, your child should write a detailed description of the item that is at least four sentences long.
In this description they should name the item, tell us
  • how old it is
  • who it belonged to
  • what makes it so special
  • Any other important information they may want to share.
Each child will present their artifact to the class so make sure your child is confident in the information. The artifact and description will be on display in our classroom.
Name of Artifact________________________________________________________
Name of Artifact Owner_________________________________________________

Relative Interview - Due Monday 8th February
You can present this information to class in any way you choose - you can write notes, made a slide show, video, timeline etc.

Name of the person being interviewed________________________________________

How are you related to them? _____________________

Age of this person_____________________

Please ask the person that you are interviewing the following questions. Be sure to write down the answers and ask a grown up if you need help.
1. Where did you grow up and what was it like?
2. What were your parents’ and siblings’ names?
3. What kind of jobs did you and your parents do?
4. What were your chores, and what did you do for fun?
5. What sort of technology did you have as a child?
6. What are your happiest family memories?
7. What do you remember about your grandparents?
8. Do you know any stories about family members travelling to different countries?
9. Do you have any old photos, papers, or family artifacts you could share with us?

Sharing The Planet Homework
The central idea for our new unit of inquiry is: By developing an awareness of an urban environment, we can understand and modify the way we live within in.

For the next 5 weeks, until the December holidays, you will have the opportunity to complete one different activity each week from the grid. You will need to complete three activities that match the picture your teacher gave you, and two of your own choice before Christmas. Daily reading will also be sent home.

Draw or create a map of ISPP
What public spaces do you use in Phnom Penh
Have a walk around ISPP or your garden and observe animals and insects. Make a list of you you have seen, draw or add photos.
Complete book review of a book you are currently reading.
Draw or create a map of your apartment/house
Compare photo 1 and photo 2. Which one do you prefer and why?
Complete a narrative story planner and share with a friend
What are some pros and cons about living in a city?
Pros - What are the good reasons
Cons - What are the bad reasons
Compare the prices of of a kilo of rice, a litre of water, a bunch of bananas, a kilo of chicken in two different cities and explain why there is a difference in price
Make a mindmap about a story you are currently reading and retell your favourite part.
What public spaces do you use, when do you go there, why do you like it
Write a letter to the author of your favourite book explaining why you like the book
Draw or create a map of your bedroom
Compare photo 1 and photo 2. Which one do you prefer and why?
What are some pros and cons about living in a city? from the perspective of a farmer or a builder
Read on Raz Kids ‘City Places’ and complete the comprehension quiz
Listen to or read a story about City Mouse and Country Mouse and make personal connections. Is it hard for animals to live in the city? Why? write and draw about it.
Find out the price of a kilo of rice, a litre of water, a bunch of bananas, a kilo of chicken in Phnom Penh
Compare photo 1 and photo 2. Which one do you prefer and why?
Compare the prices of of a kilo of rice, a litre of water, a bunch of bananas, a kilo of chicken in two different cities
Create a story about the life of an animal (real or imagined) that lives in a city and the future it may face
Read on Raz Kids ‘I live in a city’ and complete the comprehension quiz
List the top 5 reasons you like living in Phnom Penh.
List the top 5 reasons you dislike living in Phnom Penh.
What public spaces do you think an urban environment needs?
Homework Due 6th November

Please read a book every day. Choose one book this week to write a book report on. Do this in your homework book or on a google doc you share with Mrs Karyn.
You must tell me:
  • The title
  • The author and illustrator
Then choose at least 3 of the sentence starters/ activities below to include in your report. You do not need to do them all.

  • My favourite part of the book was... because…
  • An interesting character was… I liked them because…
  • This book is a….book (Describe type; fantasy, non fiction, mystery etc)
  • I think the author’s message was…
  • One thing I did not like about the story was...because
  • Draw your favourite part and describe what is happening in it.
  • Give the story a new title and explain why you chose this title
  • Explain how you think the author used their imagination.
Complete 2 of the set tasks on mathletics

Homework 26th - 28th October
A reminder that this week is a short week. Thursday is a public holiday and school is closed. Friday is a teacher only day. This week students can continue to focus on their mathletics and daily reading. Regular homework will resume next week.
Homework October 5- 9th
This week for homework students will need to pick their favourite picture story book and bring it to school on the day they have been selected. Each student will tell the rest of the class why they like the book and we will read it aloud. We will then use the books to help us understand the structure and features of narrative writing. The book can be in your Mother Tongue.
In class each day this week we will focusing on a different form of art. We will be uploading three of our favourite pieces of art each day. Students are encouraged to leave a comment on the blog explaining which piece of art is their favourite and saying why they like it.
Sophia V
Kim Veng
Sophia M
Ngy Meng
Monday 28th September to Friday 2nd October

We have been tuning into our new unit of inquiry ‘How we Express Ourselves’.

Your homework task this week is to make a list of all of the different FORMS of art you can think of. These are different ways can people can creatively express themselves through an artistic medium.
Use the alphabet key to help you. It may be challenging, but try to think of one for each letter. Some letters may have several art forms. We have done the letter ‘p’  to give you an idea of what is expected. You can do this on the sheet we sent home, or type it into a google doc and share it with your teacher.

Also spend some time on your mathletics tasks, and make sure you read every day!

P printmaking

Homework 21st September- 25th September

1. Not a box
This week for homework you will need to watch this clip of the book ‘Not a box’ by Antoinette Portis. 

Not a Box
After watching it please discuss with your parents your favourite box in the book and why you liked it the best.
You will then need to design your own ‘not a box’, box. Please include details of the resources and equipment you will need to make the box and detailed plan of the design. Do this in your homework book.
During the week please collect the resources you will need and bring them to school on Friday 25th September.
We will be making your designs at school the following week.

This links with our new unit of inquiry 'How We Express Ourselves'. We are beginning this week looking at perspectives and forms of art, and this homework will support this thinking well.

2. Reading: Read a book each night and fill out your reading log. You may choose to read a book from the website 'Raz kids' using the log in from your homework book.

Reminder: There is no school on Thursday this week, as it is a public holiday.

Homework 14th September- 18th September

1. Complete your 'healthy snack' homework (for those of you who haven't already). Bring your snack on Friday to share.

2. UOI: It's hard to believe that we are nearly at the end of our first Unit of Inquiry. We have been working hard in class to demonstrate our learning through this unit. Think about a small action that you plan to take now that you know more about leading a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Explain why this is something you think you can do to be healthier. It should be something simple like...

* I will try to drink at least two full bottles of water at school because...
* I will try to get 10 hours sleep per night because...
*I will only have fizzy drink sometimes because...

Make sure your reasons include new information you have learnt rather than just "because it's good for you."

3. Reading: Read a book each night and fill out your reading log. You may choose to read a book from the website 'Raz kids' using the log in from your homework book.

4. Mathletics: Complete some of the set tasks on Mathletics. Your login and password is in your homework book. If you have completed all set tasks, you may like to play a game. New tasks will be set next week.

Homework 7th September - 11th September

1. We are learning about our food choices and we have discovered that we all eat many different types of food to help keep us healthy. Now we would like to explore snacks from different cultures and countries.

Your homework assignment is to find a recipe for a simple snack that reflects your culture, a place you have lived or simply your favourite healthy snack. It needs to be something that you have made (of course an adult can help you) and you think it is healthy.

You may need to do some research about this.

The first part of your homework is to plan your healthy snack

  • Make a diagram or drawing to show the snack.

  • Work out what ingredients you need to make the snack.

  • Write out the recipe. Try to use time connectives we talked about in our recount writing (first, next, following, finally).

  • Write why you think this is a healthy snack.

  • Finally make your snack (enough for 5 students to share).
On Friday 18th September please bring in your snack and recipe to share with your classmates. This may inspire them to try some different foods.
Write a label with the name of your snack, your name and a few words to persuade people to eat your nutritious snack! (Please also let us know if anything contains pineapple or nuts)
Please clearly label all food containers so they can be returned to you promptly.
We look forward to our healthy food party!

These are some links to sites for inspiration but you may be very creative and think of some of your own!

2. Reading: Read a book each night and fill out your reading log. You may choose to read a book from the website 'Raz kids' using the log in from your homework book.

3. Blog Comment: Show your parents the class blog and make a comment on a blog post that was of interest to you. 

4. Mathletics: Complete some of the set tasks on Mathletics. Your login and password is in your homework book. If you have completed all set tasks, you may like to play a game.

Best wishes, Karyn

Homework - 31st August - 4th September

  • Read every day and fill out your reading log.
  • Complete the 'sleep and leisure' log I sent home last week.
  • We will be learning about signs and symbols this week. Children have been sent home with a sheet of symbols and signs. Tick the symbols if you know what they mean. Put a cross by the ones you are unfamiliar with.
  • Extra for experts; draw and write the meanings for any other symbols you know on the back of the page.

Who knows what these symbols mean? Write your answer as a comment on this blog.
Workplace Icons

Homework - 24th August

  • Part of your homework this week is to watch the video links below about why we need sleep. Make a comment on the blog explaining something that you found interesting.
  • Read each day, and record what you are reading in your home reading log.
  • Log into Mathletics and complete at least three of the tasks I have set for you (you do not need to complete them all!) You can play a learning game in live Mathletics if you have time. Mathletics log in
  • Fill out the sleep and leisure log you have been sent home in your reading folder. (You have two weeks for this task)
     Homework ­ Grade Two Team ­- Paper Plate Profiles
  • Your mission is to decorate your paper plate in a way that tells us all about you!

  • The more information you can tell us...the better! We want to learn plenty about you; your family, strengths, and your interests.
  • You can paint, colour, stick, or write... but be creative! Include photographs, drawings, stickers, words, or magazine cut­-outs.
  • Your plate must be decorated on both sides. One side must clearly include your fullname. You may include any other information you like.

  • You may use some (or all) of the ideas below to help:

    • ●  Favourite things (food, colours, sports, songs)
    • ●  Dislikes
    • ●  Birthday / age
    • ●  Family information or photos
    • ●  Your talents/ hobbies
    • ●  What you want to be when you grow up
    • ●  Where you are from (cultural information)

    These will be hung from the classroom ceiling, so make sure you know which way is ‘up’ before starting. You can decorate the string with shells, feathers, ribbon, or beads if you wish.
    You have two weeks to complete the task. Good luck! We would like your plates to be handed in on Friday the 21st of August, when you will have an opportunity to share and explain them to the class.
  • Note for parents: This task is a fantastic way for us to tune into the interests and background of your child. Understanding more about them helps us as teachers plan meaningful, relevant programmes for them that are focused on their individual needs. We have chosen this task to link directly with our current inquiry unit on ‘Who We Are’ 

  • Kind regards ­ Ms Courtney, Ms Karyn, Ms Anita 


  1. hi mrs karyn. I am starting my plate today. From samir

  2. hi my name is Oliver I like the work I will start on the weekend from Oliver

  3. Hi mrs karyn. i like the homework that you gave to the class. I hope all the class enjoy the year. Nith

  4. Dear ms karyn
    I love the mm hh
    from : mimi

  5. Kids that are 5 to 12 need 10 to 11 of sleep a day.

  6. Is there any link to a spelling site?

  7. 1. Recycling
    2. Handicapped
    3. Stop
    4. Ladies
    5. Hurt
    6. Death
    7. Fire
    8. Slipping
    9. Men
    10. Hospital
    11. No parking
    12. Hard hat



  8. .recycle,2. Handicap4. Female,6. Danger,7. Fire 9 male,10. Doctor 11. No parking 12.construction site

  9. Mskaryn sleep is very important for your body because it makes you save your energy so it will make you be papare for the next day.


  10. 1. recycling
    2. handicap
    3. do not enter
    4 girls bathroom
    6 poison
    7 flammable
    8. be careful/slippery
    9 boy's bathroom
    10 hospital
    11 no parking

  11. Hi ms Karyn
    I watch the the first video I know that sleep help the body to rest after a tiring day and sleep help our body prepare for the next day and after sleep your body feel strong and sleep help your brain work better

    From nith

  12. Ms Karyn
    when are we going home at lunchtime at school

    From nith😜

    1. Hi Nith, tomorrow (Friday the 4th) you finish school at 11.30. You will have lunch first and then be picked up where you usually get collected from.

  13. eat fruits and tomatoes a bit of candy


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi ms karyn

    I learned that to many pulleys makes it harder to pull.

    I also learned the more force you use on pulleys the harder it is.

    from your wonderful student


  16. Hello Mrs Karyn
    I learn there a pulley is used for pull thing
    I learn there a lever is to lift something
    I learn there a inclined plane

  17. Hello Mrs. Karyn,

    I have learned that an incline gradient goes vertical and a decline gradient goes down. The trick i learned to remember is that a decline begins with the letter "d" for down . Also, l learned a lot of tools can be useful for making Simple Machines.

    1. machines are very useful.i learned about... wheels and axels,pullies,inlined planes,and levers.the more distance the less force. from sophia m.

  18. I have learned that pulleys can use up a lot of force but not all of it.I learned that inclined planes that the steeper they are the more force you use to get up the wider it is the less force you use to get up. I Learned that that levers have a fulcrum and if the fulcrum is not in the right position it won't work properly.Sophia H

  19. Hi Mrs Karyn, the last level of the game was hard because you had to put a lot of force and I picked too many pulleys. From samir

  20. i like all of the homework!!
    you are a great nice helpful teacher!!!!!!!!!!!
