
Where I play
I like to play in the shade downstairs. I do not want to be in sun because it will make my skin brown. I like to watch people play.

G2 Music, Unit 3: Composing a song to tell the audience about an idea, feeling or story

Student explored the elements of music, such as tempo, pitch, dynamics and duration, to create a piece of music that would allow the audience to have an idea, feeling or story.  They started to work on this individually and later some students chose to work collaboratively.  Here is their final composition.

G2 Art-Unit 2- Nature and Architecture
We observed shapes in architecture and shapes in nature.  We investigated the functions (purposes) of nature and architecture.  We used our imaginations and feedback from friends or family to draw and build architecture inspired by nature.  Here is my artwork:

G2 Art- Unit 3- Finding and Making Meaning in Abstract Art
We found shapes, colors and lines in abstract artworks.  We discussed our experiences and emotions connected to the colors, lines and shapes.  We used this to guess the meaning of abstract artworks.  We sorted abstract artworks to explore how some are “a little abstract, very abstract or not abstract”.  We also made abstract artworks about ourselves for others to interpret.

Rube Goldberg Machine

Question Prompts for Parents:

Who was Rube Goldberg and what is a Rube Goldberg Machine?
What was the objective or goal of your machine?
Was it successful? Why or why not?
Can you explain the simple machines you used to make it?

'Don't Crack The Egg Challenge'

In writing we are learning to write a procedure. In this example we completed a task related to our unit of inquiry (How the World Works - Simple Machines). We then wrote a procedure demonstrating what we did.
Title: Egg Challenge

We want to put the egg on the chair to the ground to not break the egg.
  • Chair
  • Paper towels
  • A3 paper
  • Meter ruler
  • Tape
  • Boiled egg
  1. Make an incline plane with ruler don’t make the egg fall off.
  2. Make a friction.
  3. Make a wall out of paper so the egg don’t fall off.
The egg would not fall off if the ramp had walls.

Playground Reflection

Unit: How the World Works - Simple Machines

Here is my drawing of the playground. I made a green screen and explained in my own words about the simple machines I saw.

Teacher Comment:  
This was challenging for you Nica. However after a few tries you managed to present your ideas and talk about the simple machines you saw in the playground. I was pleased on our visit to the park that you tried a few activities. 

Clues From the Past - Summative Assessment

Naga and Buddha - Nica


This is a big statue. It is made of stone. It is a buddha sitting on a snake.


I think it was made for people to look at. It was a little bit old.

How This Helps Me Understand Cambodia

This tells me that the buddha is important in Cambodia. We pray to the buddha.

Image result for Naga and buddha cambodia museum

Music - My Song

Here is the link to the music blog where you will find a recording of me singing the song I created in music.

How We Express Ourselves
Artist Statement - Nica


“My art is called Colourful Princess Celestia. I like my Little Pony so I wanted to paint one. I used colourful water paint, a dark pen, a brush, water, and paper. I like it because it looks beautiful. It looks rainbowy and nice.”

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