
Unit 4: Creating movement to a piece of music

Students used their knowledge of the elements of music from their last unit and applied them to movement.  They chose a song and style of dance that they liked and tried to show a variety of movements that fit the music.

Student Led Conference

We shared our learning with our families on Friday.

Name: Cathal
Subject: My friends
I like to play in the gym at lunch recess. My friends are Matias, Oliver, Visal, Zak, Samir Jayden, Gaga, Lucas.
Games we play: Catch the Girls, Tag, Pokemon. How to play the games: Catch the girls: capture pretend torture Rachel's team  Tag: everyone nows how to play that! Pokemon trading: trading with Pokemons!

G2 Music, Unit 3: Composing a song to tell the audience about an idea, feeling or story

Student explored the elements of music, such as tempo, pitch, dynamics and duration, to create a piece of music that would allow the audience to have an idea, feeling or story.  They started to work on this individually and later some students chose to work collaboratively.  Here is their final composition.

G2 Art-Unit 2- Nature and Architecture
We observed shapes in architecture and shapes in nature.  We investigated the functions (purposes) of nature and architecture.  We used our imaginations and feedback from friends or family to draw and build architecture inspired by nature.  Here is my artwork:

G2 Art- Unit 3- Finding and Making Meaning in Abstract Art
We found shapes, colors and lines in abstract artworks.  We discussed our experiences and emotions connected to the colors, lines and shapes.  We used this to guess the meaning of abstract artworks.  We sorted abstract artworks to explore how some are “a little abstract, very abstract or not abstract”.  We also made abstract artworks about ourselves for others to interpret.

Rube Goldberg

Question Prompts for Parents:

Who was Rube Goldberg and what is a Rube Goldberg Machine?
What was the objective or goal of your machine?
Was it successful? Why or why not?
Can you explain the simple machines you used to make it?

'Don't Crack The Egg Challenge'

In writing we are learning to write a procedure. In this example we completed a task related to our unit of inquiry (How the World Works - Simple Machines). We then wrote a procedure demonstrating what we did.
Title: Don’t break the egg down the incline plane
Introduction: We need to get an egg down the incline plane without breaking.
  • Boiled egg
  • Meter ruler
  • Paper towels
  • A3 paper
  • Chair
  • Tape
Fold paper for side
First stick the tunnel on the ruler  put paper towels at the bottom to make friction.
Second, make the wall from paper for the egg then test.
If you put walls around a incline plane and roll the egg down it won’t break.

Playground Reflection

Unit: How the World Works - Simple Machines

Here is my greenscreen of a picture of a playground.  I did not go to the park but looked at a photo and thought about what kinds of simple machines are used in playgrounds. I made a green screen and explained in my own words about the simple machines I noticed.

Teacher Comment: You spoke clearly and were animated! Well done! You learned which way to point with the mirror image on the screen even though it was tricky at first! You identified the following simple machines correctly; inclined plane and lever. You began to explain how these were used and what force was needed to make them work. 

How We Express Ourselves- Summative Assessment

Vishnu - Cathal


This is cambodian statue of a four armed God called Vishnu.

Inspection: each arm is holding a different object. These are the names of the objects he is holding:

CHAKRA fire or sun


BALL earth

MACE air and wind.

Construction: He is made out of stone. Colour: He is greyish brown. His colour is a little bit the colour of copper.

Primary or secondary sources of information:

The statue is an original which means it is a primary source of information.

Purpose: It is used to pray to and the statue is to remind us he is the preserver of the Earth (this means to keep life going). It is to keep life going.

Religion: He is a Hindu god.


Inquiry: How does it help me understand Cambodia?

Cambodia has had many different cultures and religions. This statue is Hindu and shows that Hinduism (that’s a religion) was important in Cambodia. Angkor Wat was built as a Hindu temple. But Cambodia has had other cultures and religions too. I know this because in Cambodia you see different statues and buildings from different cultures and religions
In 1863  the French have took over Cambodia and Angkor Wat was re discovered. It has also been invaded by the Cham, Vietnamese, and Thais. All of these cultures and religions can be seen in Cambodia. For example there are many French Buildings in Phnom Penh.

Music - My Song

Here is the link to the music blog where you will find a recording of me singing the song I created in music.

How We Express Ourselves
Artist Statement - Cathal

“I decided to make a movie. I used characters that I cut out from the internet, and gave them interesting names. I used the ipad and an app called Explain Everything to make the movie. It is about two beasts who wanted to destroy the city, but a beast buster shows up and destroys them. I was inspired by great films in the cinema like goosebumps and the peanuts movie”.

Favourite Book - Vanishing Cream

"I chose this book because I like magic and it is a magic key book. They are one of my favourite types of class books. The author is good at expressing themselves and the pictures help you understand the story. "
By Cathal

1 comment:

  1. Hey man your nature on your house is great

