Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Unit Vocabulary

We have been looking deeper at the vocabulary for our current unit of inquiry. Today we buddied up, and with a partner looked closely at some of the key words in this unit of work.
We defined, found synonyms, wrote relevant sentences, and broke the words into syllables. The words we looked at were:
art      perspective      interpretation     create      appreciation     imagination       personal 

Geometry - 'Shape' in art

We have recently reviewed our understanding of 2d and 3d shapes and angles. The learning outcomes for this are to:

  • Recognise and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as a given number of angles or a given number of equal faces.
  • Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.

Today we made connections between our current unit 'How We Express Ourselves' and this maths strand. We looked at how shape is used in art and how specific artists have created art in which objects and people are broken up into geometric forms.

We looked at cubism as an art form, identifying geometric form in Fernand Leger and Pablo Picasso's work. Then we used shape to create our own original designs...using our imaginations.

Monday, September 28, 2015

How We Express Ourselves

Today we began a class rotation designed to unpack the central idea of our unit of inquiry. The central idea for this UOI is :

'How personal perspective influences how we create art'

Children engaged in several tasks. Some looked at the central idea, discussing what the vocabulary actually meant. Then they wrote their own central idea - putting what they thought it meant into their own words. Here are some of their attempts:

'All of us have different personalities and perspectives and that changes how we make art '- Lucas

'We all feel different when we see different things' -Sounavann

'The way that we think affects the way that we make and view art' - Samir

'How we make art makes us feel different ways' - Boramey

'Some people view things in different ways and how we feel isn't always the same so how we make art is different' - Hana

'We all have different ideas, and people are different, so our art will be different' - Sothearath

'How you make art shows how you feel about something' - Ngy Meng

'People are different, so their art is different' - Erika

In other rotations, learners engaged in art activities designed to spark their creativity and imagination. Here are children working on their 'Not a Box' creations motivated by the book by Antoinette Portis. They had drawn up plans as part of a home learning activity, and today some of them began bringing their drawings to life.

We also had a group looking at creating their own piece of original art using nothing but strips of paper and glue. Children were encouraged to reflect on their work through our key concepts.

What is it like? (Form)

Why is it like it is? (Causation)

What are the points of view (Perspective)

The imagination of children never ceases to amaze me. They wove, curled, folded, and cut the paper into unique and original pieces. They are learning to explain why they chose to create it how they did.

This stunning example by Sophia M, became the topic of hot conversation! Children all viewed it with completely different perspectives - linking us directly back to our central idea!

Sophia explained that her design represented 'friendship'. When others looked at it...these are the thoughts it evoked:
'It reminds me of a trampoline'
'I think it is a bunch of flowers'
'I think she was making a rocket ship'
'I think it's like a volcano'
'Maybe the artist was making it look like a jellyfish'
'I don't know what it is...but when I look at it, it reminds me of my grandmother as she loved sculpture'

Wow! Perhaps 'personal perspective influences the way we create art' after all. It clearly influences the way we view it!

Scratch Jnr

Today Mr Matt came and worked with us on an app called 'Scratch Junior'. This is a very early introduction to computer programming. It will be a useful tool when we come to present our narrative writing, as it allows us to present our information in a new and imaginative way. Today we experimented with the tools on this app and then worked collaboratively with a partner to programme our own imaginative scene. This week we may use it to further explain our thinking of one of our unit vocabulary words 'perspective'.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

What's the 'BIG IDEA?'

This week we have really been tuning into our new UOI. On Friday, we took the time to engage in another learning provocation. The rotations were designed to get children understanding the concept of 'a big idea' and to help them understand how one common theme can be expressed through various artistic forms. We took the idea 'cafeteria' as all children are familiar with it. Then children moved around five rotations where the teacher and the students created artworks, dramatisations, music, sculptures and dances all based on this common idea.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Provocation 'How We Express Ourselves'

This week we launched into our new unit of inquiry. We are currently tuning into the unit, and on Tuesday moved around the grade two classes completing a provocation designed to spark our thinking about different art forms and their purpose. Learners made notes using the visible thinking routine 'I See, I Think, I Wonder'. There were carvings, artworks, sculptures, dances, poems, music, and dramatisations for them to look at...all to provoke their thinking around the question 'What is art?'.

Loving Library!

On our Wednesday library session, we began looking for examples of our new UOI- 'How We Express Ourselves' in the books that we are reading. Wadia shared a great picture book she found about a photographer and an artist...and their different perspectives. It is wonderful to see the students beginning to 'make connections' so early in this unit.

Shape Numeracy

This week we have been reviewing our understanding of shape. We looked at common 2d and 3d shapes and their attributes, and played some 'guess my shape' games.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Wet Recess

It doesn't happen often...but on the odd occasion we get rain at break times. Last week it poured down right on bell time and today the sky darkened so much we thought there'd been an eclipse! Then it bucketed down. Here are some pictures of what the class gets up to during wet recess.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Grand Opening

On Saturday, the school was officially opened by Prime minister Hun Sen. Many families, students, and staff attended this important occasion in the history of ISPP. We are privileged to be learning in such a beautiful facility.

Healthy Snack

To conclude our unit of inquiry, we had our shared 'healthy snack morning' on Friday. Children had planned and prepared their snack and confidently explained to the class why it was a healthy choice. Even the 'not so healthy' snacks, were presented by the children as 'occasional' foods. They explained how you need to be eaten in moderation along with a balanced diet.

Then we got a chance to tuck in!

The classroom still smells like sweetcorn!

Children throughout this unit have been 'taking action' to lead to healthier life choices. During Friday's team time, children shared some of the small steps they have taken. These included:
  • Going to bed earlier to ensure they have enough sleep and are well rested for the following day.
  • Choosing a more 'colourful' plate at the cafeteria each lunchtime.
  • Trying to drink more water, in order for feel less sluggish and improve concentration.
  • Washing their hands more regularly (and more thoroughly). 
  • Practicing ways to calm down when they are upset or frustrated (listening to the Mind Master - Not the head Hassler).

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I see / I think / I wonder

Today we introduced a visible thinking routine called See / Think / Wonder. This tool will be used throughout our next unit of inquiry  'How We Express Ourselves'. It will be particularly powerful as we launch into this arts based unit, as it encourages students to think carefully about why something looks the way it does, or is the way it is.

The Purpose: What kind of thinking does this routine encourage?

This routine encourages students to make careful observations and thoughtful interpretations.
It helps stimulate curiosity and sets the stage for inquiry.

Today we used it by focusing on a collection of interesting images related to our current unit. This helped encourage students to further apply their new knowledge and ideas.

They were asked:
• What do you see?
• What do you think about that?
• What does it make you wonder?

On a personal note...I have just got home and have found this massive spider outside my apartment!
My photo is a bit blurry, but it looked just like the one on the right!

I see: A large spider with freaky eyes staring at me from the wall.
It has slight stripes, long legs, and isn't particularly hairy.

I think: It might be native to Cambodia.
It probably isn't dangerous...but it could be!
This may prevent me from sleeping well tonight!
If there is one spider here...then there are probably more.

I wonder: What kind of spider it is.
Which of the children in my class will be clever enough to find out for me.
How I can get rid of it without killing it...(or having to go near it!)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sadness by Boramey

This week in the ICT lab we have been using an app called 'Be Funky'. We had to have our photo taken expressing an emotion we had written about. Then we had to edit the image to fit the 'mood'.

This is Boramey's poem and her 'Be Funky' image. She has typed in her own words why she chose the colours and editing tools she did.

Sadness - By Boramey

Sadness is blue.
It looks like the tears of my mother,
and tastes like blueberries.
Sadness feels like tears are falling slowly from my eyes.
It sounds like a family crying.
It feels like all the happiness and joy is coming out of you,
leaving you dark and empty inside.

" I chose this colour because  it is a sad colour. I took some of the colour out because black and white are sad colours. I blurred the edges because when you are sad you cry, and when you cry you cannot see clearly". By Boramey.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Guided Reading Rotation

In reading, we participate in a variety of tasks to build our reading fluency and comprehension. Tasks vary depending on our needs, our current unit of inquiry, and the specific skills we need to acquire.
These pictures were taken during today's reading session.

Collage 1: Guided reading sessions with a focus on building comprehension and being able to make meaning form the story.
Collage 2: Using online tools (in this case Raz kids) to listen to, read, and engage in questions about the story.

 Collage 3: Building vocabulary. Here children are using the magnetic letters to create word lists related to our unit of inquiry.

Collage 4: In these pictures, learners are investigating their own unit of inquiry questions...seeking answers using unit books, and online websites and videos.

We Love Swimming!

We love our swimming sessions every Tuesday afternoon. We apologise if we are sometimes a little slow to get changed! If we don't turn up on time to our usual pick up location, you may like to meet us by the pool gate.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Bread Experiment

Last week we talked about germs and bacteria, and the importance of hand washing and hygiene. As an experiment we touched bread with unwashed and washed hands, to see if the level of bacteria on the bread made it go mouldy faster. The results speak for themselves! Wash those hands! YUCK!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Guest Speakers

We were fortunate today to have two parents passionate about health come and share their expertise with us. Jeannie helped us understand just what is in our processed foods, and how to make balanced choices based on identifying ingredients and quantities from food labels. Jon is an experienced triathlete, who talked with us about how the body converts food to energy. He helped us understand that we need to be conscious of the best 'fuel' to fill our tanks with.

Thank you to both of our fabulous speakers! We really appreciated you taking the time to come in and educate us!

CSI - Ms Tatiana

Ms Tatiana has been spending time in the grade two classrooms. She has been helping learners fine-tune their understanding of concepts relating to out unit, through the use of the visible thinking tool 'Colour / Symbol / Image'.

Today they worked in small groups around our units themes and related concepts of balance, choice, responsibility, lifestyle, and health.

Practising 'Calm'

Part of our UOI has focussed on ways to keep our body healthy, but we have also been looking at factors that contribute to our mental wellbeing. Children are identifying ways in which they relax, and activities that lead to their own positive feelings. This week we spent time talking about ways that we relax, and listened to some meditative music to wind down after a busy day. Luckily nobody fell asleep!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Emotions - Colour Symbol Image

We have been introducing a visible thinking routine called Colour / Symbol / Image into our unit of inquiry. Last week we explored how colour can evoke mood, and have been having plenty of discussions about feelings and how to stay calm. Today they had their first attempt at a Colour / Symbol /Image around an emotion of their choice. 

The short film below is called "Just Breathe" by Julie Bayer Salzman & Josh Salzman  of Wavecrest Films.
It demonstrates a group of children discussing how they feel when they are angry, and how they can calm down. We will be discussing this and other 'calming' techniques during the week.

Guest Speaker / Eating Rainbows

Today we had Nurse Alison come and talk with the class about being healthy. She talked about the 5 essential elements to keep our body healthy. Who can remember what they were and post their answer as a comment?

At lunchtime, Mrs Karyn went around with her camera and tried to see who was 'eating rainbows'. We wanted to see if children were eating a balanced lunch with a lot of different coloured foods.

Read Read Read

We love reading! It is fantastic to see the children self selecting high interest books. Many have been investigating the unit books, to help them find the answers to their own inquiry questions.