Sunday, March 20, 2016

A Fun Week

There was plenty of activity in grade two last week! One of our challenges was to successfully move a boiled egg from a chair to the floor using only an inclined plane. The children had to put their understanding of force and friction to the test as they created ramps and tunnels to move the egg and found ways to slow or stop the egg from rolling away. After much testing we finally all ended up with success! Well done for persevering!

Our next challenge was to write what we did as a procedure - which was equally as challenging!

So that we did not waste the eggs, we decided to make them into sandwiches. As a class we decided how this would be done, and wrote a piece of procedural writing (a recipe) to explain it. Then we put it to the test. Yum!

 Carrying on with our procedural writing focus, we had another go at writing a recipe on Thursday. This time we wrote the ingredients and method for making 'Fairy Bread'.

Friday was a day full of fun! It was Wacky Day at School, and many children turned up in zany gear, with uniforms inside out, underwear on their heads, and crazy hairstyles.

In the afternoon we had a special surprise. A group of the grade five children came and allowed us to preview their art work for this week's Exhibition. They asked us questions about their work and sought our feedback on how their message and presentation worked. They did a great job and gave us something to aspire to!

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