Thursday, February 25, 2016

Summative Assessments

Today we completed our summative assessments for our current unit, demonstrating our understanding of how 'Evidence from the past helps us understand the place we live'.
Children selected an artifact, researched it, and explained its form and function. Then they had to make connections to how this helped them understand Cambodia. They had a choice of presentation methods - poster, box display, google slides, or the app 'Explain Everything'. They did a fabulous job explaining their thinking.

 We all made a fotobabble (talking photo) about what we learned. These will be on our individual pages soon. Here is Hana's example.


In math, we have been learning to understand multiplication and division. We have been exploring this by solving word problems, looking at arrays, drawing pictures, and using mathematical equations.

We have also been playing math games to reinforce our basic multiplication tables. Here are some pictures of us solving problems and playing 'Multi-dice'.


In class we have been learning about timelines. We explored what a timeline is as part a reading engagement, created a timeline of Cambodian history, and in EAL made an ISPP timeline of events.

We enjoyed sharing our personal timelines, which were full of important dates and events that are significant in our own lives. Artifacts like photographs, and certificates helped us to better understand each-others lives.

Monday, February 8, 2016


It was so much fun creating our own Kamishibai stories with our grade three buddies. We enjoyed learning from each-other and presented our stories confidently in front of of early years audience on Friday.

Caught Reading

It was fun dressing up as our favourite book character during book week. There were some super costumes!

We made wanted posters for book week to display our classroom door. This was one of the fun events planned by the Book Week Committee. The children have loved taking a quiet moment and reading in the jail we made. They decorated this with quotes...
'Caught Reading!'
'If you have a good book, you'll never feel imprisoned'
'It's a crime NOT to read!'

The classroom door displays were amazing. Go for a walk and take a look!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Viewing ISPP From a Different Perspective

Look at this fabulous new video from ISPP. How do you think it was filmed?

Candlelight Read Aloud

It was wonderful to see so many families at tonight's candlelight read aloud. Volunteer readers entertained us with stories in their first language. Children snuggled up to listen to stories in their pyjamas, followed by milk and cookies in the cafeteria. It was a lovely evening!

Museum Visit

This morning we visited the National Museum as part of our unit of inquiry. We looked closely at Cambodian artefacts to help us understand more about the place in which we live. It was interesting to make connections between modern life and the past. The class were engaged and respectful!

Our Book Monsters and Shared Stories

Today we made creature book marks. These cute little critters help us mark where we are up to in our favourite books! This was one of our fun book week activities.

Another activity we worked on was writing a page for one of our school books. These big blank books, started the week with the early years, and each grade level have added a page to the story. We enjoyed looking at the story so far and helped build on the ideas from the previous class.
Here is our page in the story...I wonder what will happen next!

Monday, February 1, 2016

DEAR - Drop Everything And Read!

During book week, we have several random announcements in which we have to 'Drop Everything And Read!' Children have to carry their books with them and be prepared to read whenever their is an announcement. Today we did this twice; once in class, and again during foreign languages. Children may wish to bring a chapter book from home for this.

Bernard Caleo

Today we joined our author in residence - Bernard Caleo. He impressed us with his energy, artistic flair, and storytelling skills. We began to learn about the art of Kamishibai (Kah-mee-she-bye), which is a form of storytelling that originated in Japan. The stories are told with large illustrated cards.
On Wednesday, we will be working on our own Kamishibai with some buddies from Grade 3. 

Guest Readers

Every day this week we will have guest readers reading books in their mother tongue in the school library. It was fabulous to see so many children from our grade enjoying stories in the library today. The schedule for the rest of the week is below.

09:15 in the library
Matthias Franck
Sunhee Shin
(Korean or Chinese)
Violeta Arai
Sadaquen Nahar
Chelsea Woods
Craig Tippins
Rebecca Cameron
12:15 in the library
Shireen Tanumihardja
(Eanglish & Mandarin)
Marcelle Houterman
Zhihua Zhong
Marcelle Houterman
Marcelle Houterman
Myunghyun Son (Korean) PestalozziBjarke Skaanning