Monday, October 5, 2015


Every day this week, we will be focusing on a different art form. Children will look briefly at it's history, purpose, and specific examples designed to encourage their own perspective or viewpoint. The children have chosen the examples below because they identified with them in some way.

Today's art form was sculpture. We looked at the works of three important sculptors who use different medium to express themselves.
Sculpture is: 'the action or art of processing (as by carving, modelling, or welding) plastic or hard materials into works of art.' 

The works below (from top left, to bottom right) are by artists Barbara Hepworth (stone), Dale Chihuly (GLASS), Henry Moore (bronze, wood, stone).

As a comment write which is your favourite ad explain why. Make sure you include your name.


  1. I like this glass scalptue because it is abstract and because it is so colorfu. l I think it can glow in the dark . I like the twisty branches.


  2. Hi ms Karyn
    I like this glass sculpture because when I was scared of the darkness I closed the light it shine and bright in my room and it made me go to sleep faster.👧🏻

    From nith your student

  3. I like the one made of glass because it is colourful and wiggly it makes me very super happy



  4. I like the glass scalpture because it is sworly.I wonder if it is easy to brake?I think that the purson who made it was trying to express happy because the colers ar bright.
