Sunday, January 31, 2016

Book Week

Yippee! It's book week! There are plenty of fun activities planned at school this week, but the ones you really need to remind Mum and Dad about are:
Tuesday: Candlelight read aloud (6 -7pm)
Wednesday: Dress as your favourite book character (and bring the book with you!)

Reading is so important! Keep an eye on our blog for pictures of what we have been up to this week. Sing along with our song for the week...'Gotta Keep Reading'

Sources of Information

On Friday we looked closely at what sources of information were. This will be important as they gather information in the next few weeks relating to Cambodia's history and what artifacts tell us about the past. We watched this clip that explained primary and secondary sources of information were and had some fantastic class discussion.

We also discovered that not all sources of information are completely reliable and had a lesson in this when we watched a BBC clip on flying penguins.

Just when the class were convinced that penguins could fly, we looked at this clip! It really got the children thinking about how not everything they see on the internet is true...even when it is from a supposedly 'reliable' source. It also further sparked their interest in green screening, which we are
currently working on during our IT sessions.

Unit Vocabulary

We have been busy unpacking the meaning of some of the tricky scientific language in our current unit. Here we are collaborating and matching words with their definitions. We then came up with our own definitions, and displayed them using google slides.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Report Writing

We are currently looking at how to structure a written report. In reading today we looked at some cut up cards that contained clues about how archaeologists work. We grouped these under subheadings and classified the information we read. Tomorrow we will use the information to write a report.

Guest Speaker

Today we were thrilled to welcome Thida to talk to our grade. Thida attended ISPP as a student and currently works for ISPP as the Alumni coordinator. She is responsible for archiving all old records and evidence of the school's history. We learned that this can be done through many sources; video footage, written transcripts (magazines, letters, etc.), photographs, and artifacts.

It was fantastic to find out how the school had changed over time and reflect on which elements had remained the same.

Personal Artifacts

We have enjoyed sharing our personal artifacts with the class this week. Children brought in a personal item that has been with them or their family for a long time.

Along with the artifact, they wrote a detailed description of the item telling us how old it was,who it belonged to, and what makes it so special. Children reflected on what artifacts can tell us about our families, heritage, religious beliefs, or interests.

Green Screening

We are currently learning how to use the green screening app. Today we worked in small groups learning how to use the tools effectively. Next week we will integrate our learning into our current unit of Inquiry and demonstrate 'change over time' through a green screen presentation. It was great fun!

The Amazing Race

The student council ran an 'Amazing Race' for the elementary students last week. Children collected their first clue after lunch eating, then raced around campus solving clues and completing tasks. It was great fun. Thanks Student Council for your fabulous organisation!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Today we met with our EY buddies. It is always fabulous getting together with the three year olds and acting as role models...supporting them in their own learning journeys. Today we were joined by Ms Henny's class and spent time working together to create paper dolls using a variety of craft material. It was wonderful to see our grade two children learning to 'adapt their expectations' and learn to communicate with their younger peers.

The Big Dig!

Today we had a big archaeological dig in our school sandpit. Children worked through the process of digging carefully with trowels, sieving the sand for clues and dusting the sand around the discovered artifacts with brushes. They logged their findings and looked carefully at what the artifacts may have been used for. What did they tell us about past?

Monday, January 18, 2016

Clues From The Past - Tuning In

Today we spent time looking at the central idea and lines of inquiry for our unit - Clues From The Past.
Children had to solve a puzzle to work these out, and then shared their findings with the rest of the class. The 'smashed artifact' they were given contained important guidelines for our unit. They worked well together...problem solving and persevering! Well done team! I'll make archaeologists out of you yet!

Transdisciplinary Theme 
Where we are in place and time
An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.
Central Idea
Evidence from the past helps us to understand the place we live.
Lines of Inquiry
  • The different sources we use as evidence
  • Evidence of change over time
  • Evidence helps us to understand where we live

International Day

Thank you to all of the families who supported International Day. It was a fabulous day out and it was wonderful to see so many cultures represented!

Clues from The Past

We have been wrapping of our unit of inquiry on Sharing the Planet - Urban Environments. On Friday we began tuning into our new unit by undertaking a provocation on 'personal artifacts'. Each of our elementary teachers brought in three artifacts from home and we had to guess and justify who we thought they belonged to. There was plenty of interesting discussion!

Math - perimeter

We have been learning about perimeter. Children have been measuring school spaces and working out the perimeter and area of them. Plenty of fun, and some great mathematical thinking has been going on!

The Learner Profile in Action

‘The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people people who, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. IB learners strive to be: Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-Minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, and Reflective.’

Last week children were asked to reflect on the learner Profile attribute they associate the most with. Their peers then commented on the attributes they felt each-other demonstrated. I will post their completed sheets on their individual blog pages.