Thursday, December 3, 2015

Guest Speaker

Today we were lucky enough to have Chris (one of our Grade 2 parents) come and talk to us about Urban Planning. He works in Phnom Penh Urban Planning where he focusses on recreation and cycling in the city. He was a wealth of information and really promoted student thinking!

Taking Learning Outdoors

This morning we had our math session in the shaded areas of our playground. We are learning mapping skills and have been learning about coordinates.  It was fabulous to be outdoors.

While we were there, we reflected on our school environment. Recently we walked around our school and noticed the sights, sounds, and smells. Then we wrote some wonderings about our discoveries. Today we took our ideas further, and identified an area in the school we felt could be modified in order to meet the need of our school community both now and in the future. They took a photo of the area they wanted to adapt and drew their changes on a piece of overlay paper.

International Day

International Day will be held this year on Saturday 16 January, 2016 - 10am to 2pm.
To represent your country by creating a country booth  please complete this form as soon as possible.
If your child would like to participate in the parade of nations please complete this form.
Any general questions regarding International Day can also be directed to Sokleng Heng @ or 077 990 857.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Movie Afternoon

This event is on Monday. A notice has been sent home with your child. Please support this worthwhile cause.