Monday, November 30, 2015

Sharing The Planet

Our current Unit of Inquiry is 'Sharing The Planet'. We are looking at urban environments and how we can adapt and modify them in order to bring about sustainable change. During the past few weeks we have been exploring the central idea, looking at unit vocabulary, and deciding on elements that urban environments have in common. In IT we have explored urban environments through Google Earth - taking a scavenger hunt through cities around the world to find examples of infrastructure, recreational areas, services etc.

Spotlight on the Arts

The children in grade two hosted a fantastic Spotlight on the arts evening with the art and music teachers before the holidays. We had many families visit and spend time working through the artistic process with their children. Children also shared their summatives from their ' How We Express Ourselves Unit'. It was a fabulous evening!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Boramey - Mosaic

Artist Statement - Boramey


“I made a sun out of paper, that was the idea I had. I liked mosaic art so I wanted to try it. The type of art is paper mosaic. I used lots of coloured paper that I had to glue and stick to the page. I cut them into squares. It is called ‘Sunshine’.”

Erika - Painting

Artist Statement - ErikaIMG_7462.jpg
“I chose to do this because painting makes me feel happy. I chose painting an expression - the expression I chose was joy. What inspired me was when my sister was in BISPP she loved to sketch and she inspired me to paint.  I called my work ‘Happy Joy’. I chose the colours because the rainbow colours make me smile. To make it I used a brush, paper, paints and water. They were dye paints.

Mimi - Melted Crayon Art

Artist Statement - Mimi


“ My art was melted crayon art. I decided to call it rainbow because it kind of looked like the colours of the rainbow. I chose to do this because it makes me feel happy, reminds me of a colourful rainbow, and I just liked the way melted crayon art looked. My big idea was that it would look like it was raining colours”.

Oliver - Pixel Art

Artist Statement - Oliver


“My art was pixel art on minecraft. I have called my art Banana Thief, because the Minion stole a banana. I made it by using coloured blocks in minecraft standing up. I used some glass blocks to make his glasses. I was inspired by a pixel artist who makes Minion pictures and Spongebob ones. His name is Patrick Stanley. I feel happy about my work because it looks like my plan and minions make me happy. The big idea was to make something in Minecraft I had never done before.”

Yewon - Clay

Artist Statement- YewonIMG_7511.jpg

“It is made of clay. I chose clay because I like to sculpt. I was inspired by my family, so I wanted it to be about family and love. You can see my family in the heart. I chose bright colours because it is showing I am happy. There are also some dark colours because families sometimes have dark times. I am calling it Family Love”.

Sophia - Clay

Artist Statement - Sophia IMG_7508.jpg
“I used clay and a ruler to squash the clay. I wanted to have a chance to model with clay, because I had never made anything with clay before. My inspiration was David Bromley. He painted some butterflies. I wanted to make my own butterflies using colourful designs.I felt proud of my work.

The title of my art was The Secret Adventure of Butterflies”.

Ngy Meng - Puppetry

Artist Statement -Ngy Meng


“Art is something that makes you happy and shows how you feel. You should keep the art you make. I chose to make puppets because I like to perform and make shows. I was inspired by the Sovanna Phum puppet group that came to school. My puppets are Minions because they are funny and I thought they would make a funny show. My puppet show will be called ‘Dispicable Story”.

Stephen - craft

Artist Statement - Stephen


“I like the art I saw of a King Octopus. It made me feel like it was the king of the ocean, it reminded my of an Octopus I saw at Siam Paragon. So I wanted to make an octopus. I used paper, glue, stapler, scissors, paint, googly eyes, string, a box, and a marker. I feel excited about my work. It is called Octopus”.

Sophia - Paper Craft

Artist Statement - Sophia H


“My art is called flower Garden. I made it using paper, glue, glitter, and paint. I chose to do paper craft collage because it would be cool to make paper flowers and a garden. The garden theme was chosen because my front yard has a lot of flowers and plants and my Mom does a lot of gardening. The glitter I used is there to look like little streams. I was inspired by Jen Stark who makes art from paper”.

Nica - Painting

Artist Statement - Nica


“My art is called Colourful Princess Celestia. I like my Little Pony so I wanted to paint one. I used colourful water paint, a dark pen, a brush, water, and paper. I like it because it looks beautiful. It looks rainbowy and nice.”

Samir - Interactive Art

Artist Statement - Samir


“My art is called Super Diver. It is interactive art because it is something that moves like science. I wanted to do it because I like making things especially with science. Science inspired me and so did the sea because I like diving. I used a bottle, a pipette, plastic card, sharpies, pipe cleaner, and hot glue”.

Artist Statement - Sounavann


“I was thinking of winter and I really like winter, so I decided to make paper out of snowflakes. I wasn’t thinking of paint but I used paint because I thought about how cold it is and how I needed white and blue in the background. I have called it Snowflake art. I like it because it reminds me of Winter and Christmas, and how get what I want”.

Nith - Paper Craft

Artist Statement - Nith


“Paper craft inspired me because it looks beautiful, I looked at videos and thought it looked cool. I decided to use flowers because my Grandma’s house had beautiful butterflies and flowers and I felt happy there. I decided to make flowers with paper craft.
I used paper, glue and scissors, and a background in paint. My art is called Flower Rose. I am proud of it because I have never done anything like it before and I learnt new things”.

Kim Veng - Diorama

Artist Statement - Kim VengIMG_7512.jpg

“It is called Sharks. It reminds me of when I went in the ocean and I see a shark. I make it from toilet roll, paper, paint, hot glue, pipe cleaners, and I used a box. I feel cool about it, because sharks eat meat. I find a picture that remind me of the water, I try to paint that in my box”.

Sorriaj - Mixed Media

Artist Statement - Sorriaj

IMG_7521 (1).jpg

“I chose to do this because I want to do something new. I made it from paper and cardboard, paint, tissue, googly eyes, glue and blue tack. It is called dinosaur craft and it is a collage.I like the blue dinosaur the best. It was fun to make. I will put it in my room”.

Lucas - Pop Art

Artist Statement - Lucas


“I made pop art. A shirt I was wearing inspired me so I looked at examples on the internet. I liked James Rizzi’s work because it was colourful. I like the superhero Flash so I did him. I used watercolour pencils and black sharpie. I made outlines of the pictures I had printed and used bright colours. The title for my work is Super Pop Techno.”

Sothearath - Clay

Artist Statement - SothearathIMG_7514.jpg

“I used clay to make a picture. I wanted flowers in it because flowers make me happy. I looked at pictures in the internet, I like the one with rainbow flowers by Dsu Dsu. I like the flowers I made and the way I mixed the colours. ”

Wadia - Pasta Frame

Artist Statement -Wadia

“My art is called ‘Silver imagination Pasta’. I was inspired by pictures on google of people who made art from pasta and glue. I did craft to make a picture frame. I tried to put the pasta in patterns and then sprayed it with silver paint”.

Cathal - Scratch Junior

Artist Statement - Cathal

“I decided to make a movie. I used characters that I cut out from the internet, and gave them interesting names. I used the ipad and an app called Explain Everything to make the movie. It is about two beasts who wanted to destroy the city, but a beast buster shows up and destroys them. I was inspired by great films in the cinema like goosebumps and the peanuts movie”.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

How We Express Ourselves

Last week we wrapped up our learning from this fabulous unit. Children are eager to share their inspiration boards and and completed art works with you this Thursday evening at Spotlight on the Arts. Here's a sneak preview of our fabulous creativity!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Spotlight On the Arts

This month is the Grade 2 students turn to show their parents what they are doing in art and music.  Please join us on Thursday the 12th of November at 6pm in the Art and Music Studios. The students will also be showing their inspiration boards, and art works from their 'How We Express Ourselves' unit.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Pixel Art

Today we had our second session creating pixel art using mine-craft. Children drew a plan using squared paper, and then had to recreate it using coloured blocks in the virtual world Mr Matt created for them. When they shot up into the sky and viewed their work from a birds eye perspective, they could see their art from a different view.